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An Educated Collector is Our Best Client

In business for nearly two decades, we are a well established, popular contemporary art boutique specializing in expertly chosen, blue chip prints, multiples, uniques, books, ephemera and merchandise at different price points, with a focus on the secondary market. Please click on the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of this page for questions about any work, pricing and/or to arrange to visit our showroom/gallery - located in between Manhattan's Flatiron and Chelsea Flower Districts.  

How Much is it Worth? Short Order Fine Art Appraisal and Consultation

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How much is your work of art worth?

For an introductory price of only $100 per artwork -- we'll tell you!

Every day, we receive numerous requests from people asking us to tell them what a work of art is worth; sometimes it's a piece they purchased previously and need a present valuation; sometimes it's a work they inherited. Sometimes they just need a quick appraisal for an insurance valuation. Often a professional appraiser is working on an appraisal for a client and needs to pick our director's brain about artists whose work we currently sell, or one we have dealt with over the years. We have a very small staff with a monumental workload; in order to be able to properly assist more people, while still running our gallery, we are charging this modest fee of $100 for our valuable time and extensive expertise.

If our gallery ends up purchasing or consigning your artwork, this $100 payment will be credited towards the purchase price or sales proceeds. 

If you just need a quick, short order appraisal, or wish to discuss the value of your artwork with a seasoned gallerist, but don't want to spend a fortune engaging a professional art appraiser (many of whom end up consulting with us anyway to do their job) - then we can help. As seasoned gallerists and art dealers, we can help you understand how much to realistically expect to get for your artwork, both retail and at auction. 

Or perhaps you're an art appraiser, and you need assistance or insight about the market for a certain genre of works by a particular artist or group of artists. We can help you too!

When you purchase this service, you will receive up to a 15 minute telephone consultation with our gallery's Founding Director, Nadine Witkin, during which she will review auction vs. retail pricing of your artwork, various factors affecting the value, how much you can realistically expect to get, how long the work might take to sell, the fees and costs involved, and various consignment or sales options. She will share with you candid insights about the market for your artwork from her own personal experience as well as objective data sources; information that's much more difficult to get by just looking at retail asking prices or auction statistics online.  

Very few gallerists in the world know the secondary art market for certain works as well as we do, because we are constantly buying and selling in volume. Our taste is eclectic, but superb, and we have sold modern and contemporary Abstract, Ab Ex, Pop, realist, photo realist, representational, figurative, conceptual, neo geo, geometric abstraction, feminist - and everything in between! Most galleries don't even own most of the works they sell (they're consigned), and they don't follow the secondary market as extensively, or watch it as closely as we do, as they may specialize in only 15-20 artists, whereas we carry works by more than 500.  We have worked with most of the reputable regional, national and international auction houses, as well as innumerable galleries and publishers around the world, and we have sold on Artsy, Artnet, 1stDibs, Artspace, our own website and other emerging art selling platforms - both retail and at auction. In fact, we were one of the first six dealers to sell via Artnet auctions when they first began, and we were the very first gallery to Beta test Artsy's e-commerce function nearly a decade ago. Our director has been in this business for nearly two decades, specializing in works of art under $50,000 - although she can provide you with valuations for works at higher price points as well. These days there's a lot of information out there about the art market -- but not a lot of knowledge or understanding, and we're always shocked that otherwise highly intelligent and educated people don't seem to understand how to interpret all the free and paid data they find out there. For example, we have heard novice collectors say they trust auction prices as the "true market value" - when nothing could be farther from the truth. 

Many people try to save money and pose as buyers to get our "asking price" for a work on our website similar to one they currently have -- thinking that will give them all the information they need. It does not. (The price we can get for an artwork may be different than what you can get, for example, just like the price Larry Gagosian can get for the same piece will be different than one we can expect to get.)  Similarly, many people search free public records for sales price information to get an idea of how much their art is worth.  But that also provides an incomplete picture, as it doesn't tell you the actual market price, nor does it provide experienced insight into selling - which only somebody immersed in this business can offer.   Other people will rely upon the free appraisals advertised by auction houses that are constantly seeking consignments - so the appraisal is really for the auction house's benefit, not yours, and their estimates are not retail prices. An auction appraisal does not give you the full picture, and it is typically significantly lower than collectors need for an insurance appraisal. 

How do you purchase a Short Order Appraisal?

Put this item in your card, and pay via Paypal or any major credit card. You can also email and we can process payment manually shold you prefer. Once you have paid the $100 fee, please email: with your complete name, full mailing address, and images of the artwork you would like appraised, including front and back, close up photos of the signature and any labels on the back of the frame, a description of the provenance, any and all accompanying information and documentation (receipts), as well as any written appraisals or communications you have already had with auction houses and/or galleries, dealers, and appraisers regarding this artwork. Once we receive all of this information, someone from the gallery will then contact you to schedule a telephone appointment. 

Before you proceed, a few disclaimer: the fine print. By paying the $100, you certify that you understand and agree to everything below:

1. We are not certified or licensed appraisers. Our appraisals are based upon our expertise as experienced dealers and gallerists. Our appraisal cannot and should not be used for any tax purposes or submitted to the IRS; it can, however, be used for insurance, as part of your market research and sales purposes. 

2. The fee of $100 entitles you to a telephone consultation up to 15 minutes with our gallery's Founding Director regarding one artwork. Before, during, or after the conversation, she may follow up with relevant documentation such as articles or price records referenced in the conversation.  You will need to pay an additional $100 for each additional artwork appraised. We are not liable and you will hold us harmless if, for any reason, your insurance company refuses to accept our appraisal, or denies you coverage. 

3. By purchasing this service, you agree that in no way establishes any fiduciary relationship with Alpha 137 Gallery, its director or any representatives and yourself or your representatives or clients. We are absolutely not liable for any negative outcome as a result of our professional opinion and judgment, and you agree to hold us completely harmless and indemnify us against any loss, claims or actions resulting from the appraisal we provide you. 

4. The information we provide you for this appraisal is to give you context and background as part of your research process, and you agree not to tape record, publish or divulge any of the confidential information we share with you in candidly discussing the value of your artwork, or our experience selling that artist's work, other than the dollar amount or valuation provided.

5. As we will not be inspecting your artwork in person, but providing a short order appraisal based upon images you send us, and information you provide, we cannot vouch for the authenticity of your artwork, nor should our appraisal ever be used as proof of authenticity. Our opinions are based upon the presumption that the artwork we are appraising for you is authentic, and that the information you have provided is accurate; should it turn out to be otherwise, you will hold us harmless and indeminify us from all claims resulting from our determination. Similarly, if, based upon the photographs and information you provide us, we believe the work you are asking us to appraise is inauthentic, or if we question its provenance or authenticity, you understand that it is just our opinion, and, should it later turn out to be incorrect, or should it be accurate but cause you any loss, you will not hold us liable in any way for our opinions or suspicions, based upon our professional judgment and experience. We are also not responsibile for any inaccurate or incomplete information you have furnished us in order to make our appraisal. If, to the best of her opinion, our director believes a work you have requested appraised is, or may be, inauthentic or of dubious provenance, she will inform you of such, and that opinion will suffice as her appraisal. While it may be disappointing not to have a dollar valuation attributed to the work, that is part of the appraisal service offered, and as such, no refund will be granted. 

6. We reserve the right to refuse to provide this service; in such an instance, we will refund your money in full, unless there is a breach of any of these terms on your part.  We expect you to provide us with your true identity, and if you are using a pseudonym, or are deceptive in any manner, we reserve the right to refuse service, and you will not receive a refund. However, if, for any reason, we do not believe we can provide you with a proper appraisal, i.e. the work is beyond the scope of our experience or knowledge, through no fault of yours, we will provide you with a full refund. 

7. You agree that notwithstanding the above exception, this is a final, non-refundable purchase. In the event you are unavailable to schedule a phone appointment, or if you are a no-show during a scheduled phone appointment, we will attempt to re-schedule one more time at no additional cost as a courtesy. If you are a no-show twice, then we are no longer obligated to provide this service. If we do choose to issue a partial refund, it will be at our sole discretion. 


